PMAM Committees

PMAM has the following committees.  If you're interested in joining a committee or getting more information on a specific committee, please fill out the form below or email

Legislative/PAC Committee - Oversees and coordinates the governmental affairs activities and programs of the PMAM in order to execute the public policy goals and objectives of the PMAM.  Develops fundraising strategies and carries out those strategies to raise money for the PAC.

GLAStar Committee - The GLAStar Committee is responsible for all the major decisions concerning the GLAStar Education Conference and Awards Gala including determining the award categories, speakers, emcee, decorations, marketing material, programs, menu, judges and location.

Membership & Engagement Committee - Oversees and coordinates co-branding efforts with the NAA and local associations, development of website content, review of legislative mobile app content, creation of press releases, social media coordination, and other projects related to communications and marketing of the association.  This committee also strives to come up with ways to recruit and retain members.

Education Committee - Oversees and coordinates all matters relating to the Continuing Education for Real Estate activities offered by the PMAM. 

Leadership Lyceum Committee - Oversees and coordinates the PMAM Lyceum program designed to identify and develop a well-informed and highly motivated group of emerging leaders with a strong commitment to the mission and strategic objectives of PMAM and its affiliated associations.